Surfskates are skateboards whose objective is to transcribe sensations close to those that a surfer could feel on the water. Surf skates are extremely manoeuvrable and also allow you to generate speed by creating a wave by pumping movement. No need to push with foot to move forward! The pleasure of curves is honoured.
Surfskates can be practiced on various terrains: Parking, Bowl, Pumptrack,…
Comparison of the different surfskate systems
Surfskate systems using a spring:
As a general rule, spring systems have more energy return to pump.
_Carver C7: Carver is the American company at the origin of surf skate. The C7 front truck is articulated with a spring system placed horizontally, and can be adjusted in tension. In ride, the C7 is relatively stable while being playful. The energy return is very good, and it is very easy to pick up speed while pumping.
_Yow: This is the surfskate system offering the feeling closest to surfing. The feel of Yow trucks is truly unique. The front truck is articulated with a spring placed vertically. Yow surfskates are extremely agile and are the easiest to pump with. Yow trucks are unstable, and are made to be always in motion. Yow decks, trucks, and wheels are all made in Spain
_Slide Surfskate: As with the Carver C7, the front truck is equipped with a spring positioned horizontally and adjustable in tension. Slides surfskates are halfway between the Yow and the Carver C7 in terms of stability. Getting started is easy. Slide Surfskate stands out as a safe bet for beginners and / or riders on a limited budget.
_Hamboards: Hamboard is 100% in the Californian longboard surf spirit. The 2 trucks are equipped with a spring positioned vertically. Hamboards boards are very long (up to 1.9m) but turn a lot. Suitable for those who want to make big curves, land paddle, and longboard surf style dancing. Superb sensations in carving.
It is important to keep in mind that on this type of truck, the spring is a wearing part that needs to be replaced regularly (ending up breaking or losing energy). For all surfskate brands sold in the shop, we strive to offer all its parts at retail.
Surfskate systems using à bushings
Surfskate trucks with bushings are halfway between a surfskate and a cruiser. It is still very easy to create speed by pumping, but it requires a little more technique than with spring systems. On the agility side, these trucks are very nimble and spin a lot.
_Carver CX and C5: The CX is the historic surfskate truck. Very agile truck, but which maintains reasonable stability in straight lines. The C5 is identical to the CX, but with a lower ground clearance, which is intended for freestyle practice. Made in USA
_Landyachtz (Bear Banger Surf trucks): Allows super deep curves. It is a very versatile truck: Pumping, deep carving, cruising, pumptrack
_Mindless surfskate: Beginner surfskate. Very nimble. Allows you to pump quite easily. We appreciate the 2 sets of bushings delivered with the trucks, which allows an adjustment in coherence with the weight of the user.
_Long Island: Feeling halfway between a cruiser and a suurfskate. Probably the most stable surfskate. Requires a bit more energy to pump. A bit less nimble than other surfskate trucks of this style. Recommended for beginner riders who need more stability to gain confidence, and / or for mixed cruiser / Surfskate use.
_ Long Island Lean Genesis: The Lean Genesis Surf trucks are working on the same ways as the Yow Meraki trucks (made by the same company in the same factory). However, those swing type trucks do not use any spring into their system, but 2 half-circle shaped bushings instead. Its makes the Lean Genesis surf trucks more stable and little bit less turny and pumping powerfull as the Yow Meraki. This is a good surfskate option for beginners. Those Long Island surfskate trucks are playfull, and it is very easy to gain speed by pumping movments. Made in Europe (Spanish Basque Country)
_Waterborne: Waterbones is a system that transforms most skateboards and longboards into surfskates. The feel is more like spring trucks.
_Revenge (Globe): Very different system from other bushing surfskate trucks. The trucks are very agile and are ideal for deep carving. The oversized bushing releases a lot of rebound between the curves.
One of the advantages of springless trucks is the absence of mechanical wear parts. These are slightly less surf style feeling, but more versatile. For an even more precise adjustment, its exist a multitude of bushings of various hardnesses. Do not hesitate to ask us for advice.
Which Surskate size to choose ?
Depending on the use and/or the size of the rider, we will opt for a different board length.
The longer the board, the smoother the wave created for pumping.
_For bowl surfskate practice, prefer boards 32" or lower
_For a versatile and pumptrack practice, prefer surf skates between 32" and 34"
_For cruising, boards 34" and longer are less strenuous and smoother
_For a longboard surf feel, you can have fun with boards 36" or more.
If you are tall or short, stick to the high or low range of recommended sizes.
which wheels for surfskate?
Depending on whether your goal is to pump and carve as much as possible, or slide and land slashes, you will need wheels with a different grip profile.
_For pumping and pumptrack, wheels between 65mm and 70mm with a wide profile and square lips will allow you pump harder without slipping. The larger diameter will help maintain speed.
Ex: Orangatang Love Handle, Carver Roudhouse concave 69, Cinetic Crop 66